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When selecting a crystal, go with your gut and allow the crystal to draw you to it; the crystal chooses you.  You will instinctively know which crystal wants to be with you.  You will not only be attracted to the beauty of the crystal, but also to the purpose and power of the crystal itself.  You will be drawn to the energy most needed by you at that particular point and time in your life.  It is for this reason that you may find you are led to a crystal you have never considered before, or attracted to a colour that would not usually appeal to you.  Allow your first impressions to guide you and follow your instincts. 


Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart)
Adamite assists one in discovering one’s true passion and joy in life. It ignites optimism and determination within, encouraging one to act upon one’s hearts desires, and so assisting one in manifesting one’s dreams. It helps one listen to one’s heart, and it is one’s heart that knows.

A strong grounding stone, encouraging stability and strength.  Agate helps one awaken and discover one’s inherent natural talents.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 3rd (Solar Plexus)
Fire Agate is a stone of creativity and expression and is great for overcoming artistic blocks.  It helps dispel lethargy or lack of energy.  It is a stone of passion, which intensifies all emotions and connects with one’s deepest desires.  It fills one with a zest for living.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 4th (Heart)
Gives one a strong feeling of balance and stability and is an excellent stone for grounding.  It assists one in connecting to the Earth and feeling at home here.

Chakras – All
Ability to clear the aura.  Protection from electromagnetic fields from computers and electronics.  When one has become depressed, hopeless, or unhappy, it helps shift this negative energy to positive energy.  Brings Confidence and strength

Chakras: 4th (Heart), 5th (Throat)
Amazonite is the stone of truth, allowing one to express one’s true heart felt thoughts and feelings.  For those who are unclear about what they want or feel, Amazonite can help one gain clarity.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus)
A stone of health and well-being.  Excellent for convalescence.  It is recommended to carry or wear Amber if recovering from illness or injury.  It assists in simulating the metabolism and physical energy.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown), 8th (Etheric)
Amethyst gives a protective shield that wards off negativity in one’s environment.  It brings a feeling that one is surrounded and protected by a bubble of light.  It is a powerful stone for spiritual expansion.  Amethyst assists overcoming addictions and bad habits and lends clarity of mind.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 7th (Crown)
Ametrine helps develop the ability to take action and overcome one’s fears.  It is an excellent stone for those who are indecisive or unable to act from fear of making a ‘wrong’ decision.  It supports one in overcoming the fear of success and helps eradicate patterns of self sabotage.  It can be a valuable aid in regulating weight.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 6th (Third Eye)
A protection stone when travelling or working in dangerous or negative areas.  It cleanses the aura and clears blocks.  A wise stone that can help in prosperity work.  It encourages one to feel at home on this earth in this lifetime and enjoy living.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
Angelite helps one connect with one’s guides and angels.  A stone of tranquility, it brings a sense of inner peace.  It can be used to help bring peace to situations where conflict or ego posturing is making progress difficult.  It helps to temper one’s words.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 4th (Heart)
Apache tears offer excellent protection from all negativity by raising one’s psychic attunement, so one can ‘feel’ the approach of threatening persons, situations or energies.  They can aid one in discovering joy in physical experience and in the beauty of the world.

4th (Heart), 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye)
Apatite enables one to connect one’s heart to the heart of the planet.  Establishing this connection with the electromagnetic field of the planet enables one to replenish one’s energy, bringing freshness, vitality, joy and a sense of well-being.  It is an excellent stone for those recovering from a long illness or emotional pain.  It is also a great abundance stone because of its ability to stimulate the flow of energy on the physical plane.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
A powerful stone for activating inner vision and psychic ability.  Apophyllite is excellent for connection and communication with one’s spiritual guides and angels, and helps develop faith and trust in the Divine.

Chakras – 4th (Heart), 5th (Throat)
For women Aquamarine lends courage and clarity to express one’s inner knowledge and enhances intuitive abilities.  For men, it helps express and communicate their feelings.  It is excellent in helping children who are shy overcome their difficulty in verbalizing.  Aquamarine calms anger and hysteria and helps express truth.

Chakras – All
Aragonite helps one feel calm and centered within one’s heart, enhancing one’s feeling of emotional strength and confidence.  Aragonite stimulates the body’s energy systems, increasing vitality and stamina.


Chakras – All
Astrophyllite strengthens ones energy field and protects against negativity.  It encourages self-forgiveness and enables one to accept ones self in all aspects, allowing one to face one’s fears and reclaim one’s full power.

Chakras – 4th (Heart)
A stone of optimism and zest for life – encouraging confidence in new situations, such as changes at work, school, home, relationships, etc.  It facilitates one to ‘take everything in one’s stride’.  A stone of good luck and great for those who wish to manifest greater prosperity.  It brings a feeling of hope and joy.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 6th (Third Eye)
A strong grounding stone.  It stimulates the mind and improves memory.  It encourages endurance and vitality and is recommended for those who work long hours.  An excellent ally for general health and well being.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
An excellent stone for students as it aids in the assimilation and retention of new information and ideas.  Azurite stimulates the mind and helps with learning and tasks related to the integration of information.  A great stone to take into testing situations.  Gives courage to be truthful to oneself and others.



Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus)
A very wise and powerful stone. It lends strength, support and protection. You never feel alone when carrying a Basalt stone. There is a strong sense that you have a powerful ally with you at all times.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
Bloodstone enables one to fully ground within the body, allowing one to act with strength, determination and courage, through difficult times.  It gives emotional support by helping one find the courage to follow one’s heart and take the right actions upon this heart felt truth and knowledge.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative)
Bustamite encourages joyfulness and reminds one to have fun.  It helps to stimulate one’s creativity, allowing one to take action towards one’s dreams.



Chakras – 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye)
Blue Calcite is a stone of inspiration, allowing ideas to flow and helping one overcome ‘writers’ or ‘artists’ block. It encourages one to focus the mind on positive thoughts and ideas and is an excellent stone for those who are fatalistic and can’t see how their personal choices and actions contribute to their reality.

Chakras - 4th (Heart)
Brings a sense of renewed purpose and vitality, enabling one to make positive changes in one’s life.  It promotes forgiveness of oneself and others and helps recognise where self-improvement and change is needed.  Encourages one to listen to one’s heart and follow its wisdom.

Chakras – All
An excellent stone for removing blocks, helping one to overcome fear of taking action, and overcoming any limiting beliefs in scarcity.  It encourages one to be positive about one’s ability to change one’s life.

Chakras - 4th (Heart)
Dispels arguments and stubbornness in oneself and others.  It stimulates the gentle release of buries anger or grief. Placing these stones in a child’s bedroom infuses the area with supportive, calming, loving energy. This is true for adults to, bringing relaxing and revitalizing vibration.

Chakras – All
Encourages one to take a good look deep within oneself, enabling one to forgive oneself, and others, for past mistakes.  Clear Calcite assists in seeing where self limitations are preventing one from moving forward in life, and helps clear these blocks so one can move forward with joy and optimism.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 6th (Third Eye),  7th (Crown), 8th and beyond (Transpersonal and Etheric)
Stellar Beam Calcite is an increasingly powerful stone, helping one clear resistance to claiming one’s full power. It can fill one’s aura with high frequency light and it can clear one’s aura of negative thoughts, patterns or habits.  It also offers powerful protection on a psychic level.  It is very much a stone that is becoming extremely important and relevant in our spiritual evolution.  A stone of the moment.  

Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 3rd (Solar Plexus)
A powerful stone to call upon when one needs to take major action.  It lends courage to take the leap and assists in taking action to manifest one’s highest goals and dreams.  A stone for those who wish to build confidence, courage, passion and power within themselves.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
A stone of inner truth….Cavansite brings a joyful optimism, overcoming feelings of hopelessness and lack of direction.  It helps one move with enthusiasm, excitement and courage into the future.  It encourages one to get out of the head and into the heart and speak one’s truth, without conflict.

Chakras – 4th (Heart), 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown), Transpersonal and Etheric, 8th and beyond, above head.
An effective stone for accessing the angelic realm, helping one to connect and communicate with one’s guardian angels and guides.  It has a gentle and positive energy and teaches patience and trust in the Divine process.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 7th (Crown)
An inspiring stone; bringing hope and willingness to overcome difficulty.  Its energy does not allow for dwelling in negative thoughts

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye)
Encourages creativity and helps fire one’s imagination.  It helps remove blocks and increases one’s perception.
An excellent stone for artists, writers and performers.

Chakras – 1st (Root), Earthstar (Below the feet), 5th (Solar Plexus), 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown), 8th (Soul Star)
Excellent at dispelling negative energy and offers protection.  It assists in grounding high-frequency energy into the physical world and activates inner knowledge to show one’s path of service to the world.  Charoite is a clear, powerful teacher that stops one veering off one’s true path.  It also aids in objectivity of information received.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 6th (Third Eye)
A protection stone when travelling or working in dangerous or negative areas.  It cleanses the aura and clears blocks.  A wise stone that can help in prosperity work.  It encourages one to feel at home on this earth in this lifetime and enjoy living.

Chakras - All
A good luck stone, encouraging wealth, health, abundance, joy and good fortune.  An excellent prosperity stone on all levels of physical life.  A strong grounding stone, helping one to overcome self-limitations, enabling one to confidently move forward and claim true abundance in one’s life.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart)
Connection with Mother Earth.  Helps one accept one’s birthright of prosperity, joy and health.  An excellent prosperity stone and powerful love attractor.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 6th (Third Eye)
Cinnabar encourages one to break free of limiting thoughts that may hold one back, stimulating one’s creativity and intuition and allowing one to realise one’s dreams.  A prosperity stone, which can assist one in learning how to bring energy into form.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 3rd (Solar Plexus)
Powerful frequency for manifestation, personal will, mental clarity and creativity.  Natural Citrine helps overcome feelings of being undeserving of abundance.

Chakras – All
Covellite assists one in connecting and communicating with one’s angels and spiritual guides and stimulates one’s inner vision.  It is an excellent grounding stone, helping one keep both feet firmly on the ground, while at the same time opening one to high-frequency energy.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative)
Cuprite is the stone of feminine power.  Its energy speaks of potential and the right use of power.  It enables one to receive, ideal for those who block themselves from manifesting or who feel powerless in their lives.



Chakras – 4th (Heart), 7th (Crown), 8th and beyond and above the head (Transpersonal and Etheric)
An excellent stone for connecting with one’s angels and guides.  It helps to release stress and worry, calms and sooths, and quietens mind chatter, bringing a sense of peace and reassurance that all is well.

Chakras - 4th (Heart), 7th (Crown), 8th & beyond, above the head (Transpersonal and Etheric)
An excellent calming stone, encouraging the release of stress and worry, helping optimism to shine onto the situation.  Danburite will help those who wish to evolve spiritually, encouraging communication with one’s Guides and Angels.  Placing a piece of Danburite under one’s pillow at night can help aid peaceful sleep, due to its soothing energy.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 4th (Heart), below the feet (Earthstar)
Green Diopside encourages a connection between one’s heart and the heart of the planet, enabling one to feel balanced and centred here on earth.  An excellent stone for relaxation and releasing stress.

Chakras – 4th (Heart)
Chrome Diopside encourages one to be strong in their heart, where all one’s strength and knowledge is found, enabling complete trust in ones self.  It allows one to recognise issues that have been holding one back due to fear and leads one firmly through the toughest of challenges.  Chrome Diopside has a strong healing energy. Both emotional and physical, enabling one to release repressed emotions.  It is a true supportive and healing friend.

Chakras – 4th (Heart)
Allows one to free oneself from the past, enabling one to let go of the past and move forward with clarity in the present.  It encourages one to forgive and release all old patterns which have held one back.  It urges one to assume one’s own power again.

Chakras – All
An excellent calming stone, encouraging one to be centred and balanced, softening negative emotions such as anger and fear.  It encourages one to put one’s heart into everything one does and to see projects through to completion.  It helps to deflate the ego, making it a great stone for everyone!



Chakras – 4th (Heart)
Abundance, wealth, love, compassion, healing.  Emerald develops trust that the Universe will provide for all one’s needs.  It assists in creating wealth by removing thoughts and feelings of unworthiness.

Chakras – All
Epidote assists the release of negativity and the embracing of the positive.  It gives hope for the future and encourages the pursuit of one’s dreams.  It is an excellent stone for physical healing.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 4th (Heart)
Eudialyte is a wonderful stone for those that wish to express more love, particularly self-love and acceptance.  It helps one follow the path of the hearts truest passion and create the life most meaningful for oneself.  Eudialyte helps remind us that we can choose our ‘path’ on life.  It can also help one identify one’s gifts and it can help one overcome fear, self-doubt and confusion.



Chakras – All
Fluorite gives mental clarity and clears the energy fields. It improves decision making and helps one choose a direction and take action.

Chakras – All
Fulgurite has a high frequency vibration.  It is a powerful stone for manifesting one’s visions through prayer.  The lightening energy is believed to be the touch of the Divine.  (The lesson of Fulgurite is ‘be careful what you wish for, for you will surely get it’)



Chakra: 1st (Root)
A strong grounding stone. Galena gives strength to face difficult tasks. A powerful psychic protection stone for those affected by negativity.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
Red garnet offers strength and security.  It helps release worry, panic, fear, anxiety, especially around finances.  It also helps one develop trust in the abundance of the Universe and gives one a feeling of calm and groundedness.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 3rd (Solar Plexus)
A powerful stone, stimulating all aspects of one’s creative abilities and energies, encouraging one to take action towards one’s goals.  It encourages one to be more intuitive, impulsive and spontaneous, alleviating fear of failure and giving one confidence to take a new direction and change one’s life.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart)
Uvarovite Garnet encourages prosperity and wealth, healing feelings of insufficiency.  It teaches that there is no need to struggle for abundance, as it is the struggle that stops the flow – one can have anything as soon as one gives up the desire for it.  Decide what you want, release it to the universe, and trust that it will be. 



Chakras - All
A combination of Pyrite and Magnetite which emanates a powerful positive energy. It assists those who are indecisive to make clear and confident decisions, enabling one to follow through with appropriate actions until one’s vision is complete. It helps one put a protective shield up against electromagnetic fields from computers and other electronics.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus)
Heliodor gives one confidence, self-trust, and strength of will.  It also gives one courage to pursue one’s dreams and goals.  It strengthens personal power by the appropriate use of will.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
Hematite is a strong grounding stone, connecting to the soul of the Earth.  It can assist in bringing one’s dreams and aspirations into reality.

Chakras – 4th (Heart), 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown), 8th and beyond, above the head (Transpersonal and Etheric)
A powerful stone for forgiveness and releasing resentment or anger.  It helps one to express one’s true feelings.  Hemimorphite gives a feeling of well being and the vibration of joy.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
Dreams, visions and Astral travel.  It supports physical stamina and helps uplift one’s energy level.



Chakras – 6th (Third Eye)
Iolite gives hope in difficult circumstances and encourages a positive, calm and clear mind. It also assists with sleep imbalances.



Chakras: 1st (Root)
Dalmatian Jasper is a strong grounding stone that brings a sense of calm. It encourages one to release anger, tension and anxiety. It is also an excellent protection stone, protecting one against depression and negative thoughts. It gives strength and determination to move ideas into action and helps to bring a sense of joy, fun and relief to stressful lives.

Chakras – 4th (Heart)
Green Jade is a stone of true abundance, promoting the flow of money, fertility and abundance into one’s life.  It teaches one to be the master of one’s money instead of money being one’s master.  It encourages feelings of well being, balance and joy.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart), 5th (Throat)
A stone of joy and high spirits, it lifts one’s mood through its positive vibrations.  It helps to release stress and encourages one to recognize the importance of the here and now.  A strong physical and emotional healing stone.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 6th (Third Eye)
Picture Jasper helps one connect emotionally to the energy of the planet and encourages one to live in balance with the earth.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative)
Brings stamina and focus to continue on a project or idea which has lost its gloss and excitement, giving one the discipline to complete it.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
An excellent grounding and psychic protection stone.  Jet clears the aura by transforming negative energy into clear usable energy.  It is particularly good at protecting against misused magical power or malicious energy by absorbing and neutralizing it.



Chakras – 4th (Heart)
Kunzite gives a deep knowing that you are not alone and are always loved. It encourages one to release fear and approach life with joy, excitement and delight.

Chakras – All, especially 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
Blue Kyanite has a powerful energy, initiating psychic ability and promoting communication with higher beings.  It allows one to recognise one’s gifts and talents and encourages one to listen to one’s heart and be ones true self and not be influenced by others.  It brings clarity of mind, dispelling indecision or hesitancy so one can stride forward in life.



Chakras – All
Labradorite is a stone of magic. It brings awareness of one’s inborn magical powers (magic meaning intuitive abilities). It offers one the chance to embark upon voyages of discoveries.

Chakras – 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye)
Lapis enables one to identify one’s gifts and abilities.  It is one of the best stones for activating psychic abilities, enhancing intuition and assisting access to spiritual guidance.

Chakras – 5th Throat
Larimar relieves stress, cools hot tempers and gives a feeling of calm.  It teaches one to respect, love and nurture oneself.  It helps release the voice of one’s deepest wisdom.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 4th (Heart)
Lemurian Jade is a wonderful abundance stone.  It helps one recognise abundance on all levels.  It stimulates the energy of gratitude and helps one stop complaining about what one doesn’t have and begin appreciating the gifts one already has in one’s life.  It assists one in aligning one’s heart with the heartbeat of the planet.  It enables one to be present and awake and truly see the beauty this planet has to offer us.

Chakras – 7th (Crown), 8th (Soul Star)
A variety of quartz that embodies the soft, loving energies of the angelic and cosmic realms.  They can assist one in finding harmony within and to join with the Divine energy.  It assists one in opening to the energy of the soul.

Chakras – All, especially 4th (Heart) and 6th (Third Eye)
A deeply relaxing stone, excellent in times of stress, worry, fear, grief.  It brings calm and centeredness.  It also helps prevent nightmares, concerns about the future and assists one in living in the now.  It is excellent for sensitive, emotional children.

Chakras – All
Strengthens will.  It also enhances one’s ability to create and one’s power of manifestation.  It assists in overcoming fear of social situations, helps give self-confidence and aids one in standing one’s ground and setting clear boundaries.



Chakras – All
Magnetite is a naturally magnetic iron oxide crystal. It is an excellent grounding stone. It helps one to connect to the planet, riding feelings of spaciness and disorientation that cause imbalance which can occur when one is not in tune and vibrating with the Earth’s magnetic field. Magnetite is an excellent stone for manifestation, making one magnetic to that which one desires to create.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart)
Malachite offers protection from negative energies and encourages positive vibration.  It instils confidence and encourages the ability to take action to create and manifest one’s desires and dreams.  It restores strength and vitality after illness.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart)
Encourages one to accept all aspects of oneself, letting go of shame, blame and self-loathing, allowing one to see that there are no mistakes – only learning experiences.  It encourages self-forgiveness, self-acceptance and self-love.  A stone of wisdom, allowing one to open up to one’s intuitive abilities.  An excellent stone for Shamanic work.

Chakras – 4th (Heart), 6th (Third Eye)

Chakras – 1st (Root), 3rd (Solar Plexus), 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
Helps develop patience and to see projects through to completion.  Meteorites are grounding and protective of the emotional body.  They help in building up physical stamina and strength and are excellent aids to the healing process.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 3rd (Solar Plexus), 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
Helps develop patience and to see projects through to completion.  Meteorites are grounding and protective of the emotional body.  They help in building up physical stamina and strength and are excellent aids to the healing process.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
Encourages Psychic awareness and intuition, helping one to connect to one’s Guides and Angels and follow their guidance in order to take appropriate action.  Moonstone helps one connect with the energy and power of the moon, revealing to women their feminine power and allowing men to express their feminine side – an important step on the path to wholeness.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
An excellent stone for soothing emotional stress and anxiety.  It encourages one to stay calm and grounded and not overreact in emotional and personal situations.  Black Moonstone enables one to be aware of one’s subconscious and allows one to consistently act from this intuition.  It encourages one to maintain a youthful attitude and zest for life.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
Rainbow Moonstone is a positive protection stone.  It is particularly good for psychic protection, deflecting negativity before it enters the energy field.  It encourages inner peace, harmony, emotional balance and strength, as well as bringing one the frequency of joy.

Chakras – All
Excellent in assisting shamanic work such as soul retrieval and helping in perceiving and connecting with one’s power animals.  They offer help in overcoming fear of death, freeing one to pursue one’s path without limitation.  Psychic and physical protection.  Help to perceive the approach of both positive and negative beings.



Chakras – 1st (Root), 3rd (Solar Plexus), 6th (Third eye)
Nuummite helps recover one’s sense of self, overcoming self-doubt, self hatred, and all that the ego uses to keep one’s true nature hidden. It encourages one to accept oneself and allow one’s inner self to shine.



Chakras – 1st (Root), 3rd (Solar Plexus)
A good stone for clearing negative energy from one’s aura. An excellent stone for uncovering one’s hidden talents and enabling one to use those new found talents to move forward and achieve success. A strong stone for encouraging one to be in your own power and not be controlled by others or to control others.

Enhances spiritual growth and spiritual awareness

Chakras – 1st (Root)
A powerful stone for releasing depression and mood swings.  An emotional protector and a great stone for grounding light into the aura and the physical body.

An excellent grounding stone, giving protection from negative energies.
Spider Obsidian encourages one to release blocks from past lives, enabling one to move forward freely and confidently.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 3rd (Solar Plexus, 6th (Third Eye)
A stone of inner strength, encouraging endurance and persistence to complete even the most difficult and dreary tasks.  It increases focus, memory and attention to detail, making it an excellent ally for students, business owners and all whose work calls for high levels of focus, perseverance and discipline.  It encourages will power, which can help one keep focused on an exercise and/or weight loss programme and efforts to improve health.

Clears the energetic field of negativity and fills one’s aura with a frequency of joy.  Encourages positivity and brings a smile to one’s face, enabling one to strive forward with optimism

Chakras – 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th
Promotes a calm and centered mind.  Blue Opal assists in the retention of knowledge and is an excellent stone for students

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart), 7th (Crown)
Oregon Opal encourages one to take action and follow one’s true passion.  It is a great stone for those with low-self esteem, encouraging one to get into one’s heart where all one’s knowledge is found, allowing one to trust this knowledge and to act upon it.  It enables one to break free of limitations that might hold one back and it brings a sense of joy, upliftment and excitement.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye)
Helps release shyness, fear, confusion and worry that things may go wrong.  It enables one to act with confidence and clarity.  It is also a powerful stone for enabling communication with angels.

Chakras - 4th (Heart)
A stone of gentle energy, giving one a strong sense of calm and peace.  An excellent stone for children who have difficulty sleeping or tend to have nightmares.  It gives help to those who suffer fear, worry or are over anxious, releasing stress and helping one to become calm, centered and grounded.

Chakras – 7th (Crown)
A stone of gentle energies.  It is excellent for alleviating worry and stress.  It’s calming energy sooths the emotional body and promotes a positive outlook.



Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart)
Peridot is a stone of positive power. It encourages one to accept and receive one’s birthright to success, abundance and prosperity, on all levels in one’s life. It can be used to manifest the increase in wealth, health, joy and emotional well-being.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 6th (Third Eye)
Petrified Wood brings inner peace during times of change, instilling strength of character and helping one to live life by one’s ideals.  It is a stone of patience, reminding us to trust the flow of life and to trust the universe’s timing is probably better than one’s desires might prefer.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 6th (Third Eye)
A powerful stone for increasing the power of the will.  It encourages one to know what one wants and to go after it so the likelihood is high that one will achieve one’s dreams and goals.  It helps to overcome fear, uncertainty and indecision, giving strength to take action and change one’s life.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart)
Prehnite brings joy to the heart and peace to the mind.  It encourages a sense of calm and strengthens one’s flow of vital energy in the body.  It reminds one of the existence of one’s personal power.  It helps one feel less nervous and less drained and can help ‘wash’ emotional debris from one’s aura.  Prehnite helps connect one to one’s heart.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown), 8th (Soul Star), Earthstar
A powerful stone for grounding light energy in the physical body.  As its name implies, Prophecy Stones help those who seek guidance from higher realms regarding the future.  They are excellent at helping one also receive guidance about mundane, boring matters and practical choices that must be made.  A very wise, powerful stone.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
Purpurite is a stone of freedom, enabling one to break free of the psychological barriers that keep one tied to the secure and numbing routines of daily life.  It gives one inspiration to break free. Purpurite helps release stress and calm one’s nerves, encouraging one to let go of worry and anxiety.  It enables one to get into one’s power and use it wisely for the benefit of all.  It also teaches one to hold one’s head up high and walk with grace through the storms of life.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus)
An excellent stone for manifestation, assisting one to take action to create abundance in one’s life.  It strengthens commitment, persistence and ambition, helping drive things through to completion.  It develops the inner warrior and supports one in taking assertive action.  An ideal stone for students as it increases mental clarity and focus.



Chakras – 7th (Crown), 8th & beyond, above the head (Etheric)
A high vibration stone, bringing joy, light and optimism. It raises ones vibrations and uplifts one’s mood, putting one into a state of peace and serenity. It encourages communication with one’s guides and Angels. A powerful stone for our time now on this planet.

Chakras – 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye)
Aqua Aura Quartz has a high and intense vibration.  It encourages one to shine from within, attracting wealth and success.  It dispels anxiety, bringing a strong sense of peace and wellbeing.  It is also an excellent stone for protection from psychic attack.

A very powerful, high vibration stone with an incredible positive energy.  It brings clarity of mind, enabling one to focus on the job in hand and helps one to bring one’s dreams into reality.  A strong stone for our time now on this planet.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart)
A high vibration stone, encouraging one to get into one’s heart, giving one an amazing ability to get grounded and centered.  It allows one to dispel doubts, fear and uncertainty, encouraging optimism and assisting in raising ones self-esteem and self-confidence.  It promotes a sense of self-worth and instils the importance of personal boundaries.  A powerful stone for our time now on this planet.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown), 8th (Souls Star)
A high vibration stone which swiftly raises one’s vibration, helping one find inspiration and unlocking one’s inner knowing.  It aids one in finding solutions to long-standing problems by encouraging one to think ‘outside the box’.  Tanzan Aura Quartz is excellent for developing one’s psychic abilities.  A powerful stone for our time now on this planet.

Chakras – All
Titanium Quartz is the most powerful of all the Aura Quartz and has the highest vibration of them all.  Its energy encourages one to be in one’s power, enabling one to be grounded, centered and energised, all at once.  It helps one to be more focused, more confident and more aware of all that is around us, giving strength to cope with any situation.  It vibrates positive energy which helps shield one from negativity, including negative people and harmful rays.  A truly powerful stone for our time now on this planet.

Chakras – ALL
 These stones are powerful record keepers.  While these stones carry much of the same information as the white celestials, these red stones carry more information on the coming shifts in the earth energy field and therefore are valuable to those who feel called to heal the earth.

Chakras – ALL
 These stones are powerful record keepers.  White Celestials hold the information of the plan for the evolvement of our planet and the part we play in it, as we move to the light.  White Celestial helps one to connect to one’s guides and angels, helping those who are stuck in the physical, make contact with the higher planes.

Chakras – 4th (Heart), 6th (Third Eye)
Self-healing, regeneration, connection with earth and nature, optimism.

Chakras – All
Clear Quartz amplifies the energies of all stones.  It gives clarity of mind and helps overcome confusion.  It assists in creating a strong connection to one’s guides, enabling clear communication.

Chakras – All
Elestial Quartz helps ground the higher self to the earth plane.  It also aids absorption of light energy and in purifying the emotional body.

Chakras - All
Faden Quartz stimulates the auric field and assists in energising the aura.  It helps one to regain one’s proper vibratory level and strength.

Golden Quartz is a stone of abundance.  It encourages creativity and abundance not only in one’s professional life but in all aspects of one’s life.  It releases anxiety and panic, strengthens one’s memory and increases one’s concentration and focus.  It helps clear the mind, enabling one to be more decisive.

Chakras – 4th (Heart), 7th (Crown)
An excellent stone to have around during times of transition.  It encourages one to remain positive and strong to face what is needed to change.  It gives one courage and support to move forward with confidence.

Chakras – All (1st-7th), 8th (Soul Star)
Hollandite Quartz helps eradicate any resistance to one’s true path and the tiny stars of Hollandite can activate and awaken one’s true self.  It can help realign oneself with one’s true identity and assist one in identifying what needs to be done to follow one’s chosen path.  It is a stone that will powerfully assist in raising one’s vibration energy.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
A powerful grounding stone.  It enhances practicality and organization.  It lends focus to students and patience to teachers.  It offers great protection from negative energies in one’s environment and it is said that with Smokey Quartz, one is more likely to see ghosts!  It offers protection from electromagnetic fields from computers and electronics.

Chakras – All
Grounds light energy and brings clarity of mind.  It assists one to follow one’s plans and ideas through to completion.  Red/Brown – Helps to clear blocks to health and abundance.  Orange/Gold – Activate creativity.  Silver – Enhances intuition

Chakras – 1st (Root)
A powerful grounding stone.  It enhances practicality and organization.  It lends focus to students and patience to teachers.  It offers great protection from negative energies in one’s environment and it is said that with Smokey Quartz, one is more likely to see ghosts!  It offers protection from electromagnetic fields from computers and electronics.

Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 7th (Crown)
Amethyst Spirit Quartz helps dispel negative energy.  It encourages connection and communication with one’s guides and gives a strong sense of oneness with all that is.  White Spirit Quartz helps activate one’s energy in the body and encourages physical healing.  Citrine Spirit Quartz helps to bring one’s thoughts and ideas into reality.



Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 4th (Heart)
A powerful stone for healing the heart and emotional body. It encourages love, affection and compassion. It helps with one’s inner child, bringing feelings of playfulness and joy into one’s life. Rhodochrosite encourages one to take action without fear on one’s gut instincts. An excellent stone to dispel stress.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 4th (Heart)
Rhodonite helps one understand one’s purpose in life and discover one’s hidden talents.  A stone of self worth and self love.  It is an excellent stone for supporting weight loss and detoxification of the physical body.

Chakras – 4th (Heart)
The stone of love.  Love for oneself, family, friends, the planet and the universe.  It releases stress and anxiety and dissolves anger and fear and brings hope and love.  It encourages compassion and kindness.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
Ruby gives courage and strength to stride forward and take that leap of faith.  It encourages one to keep going, stare fear in the face and stand up for what one believes in.  It brings out the protective side in one, encouraging one to stand up for children, friends and animals who are threatened.  A stone of prosperity. It brings passion, optimism and enthusiasm to its keeper.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
A powerful stone for manifestation, grounding light on the earth and seeing the true abundance in one’s life.
A powerful stone to stop mind control.  A perfect stone for now.

Chakras – All
Grounds light energy and brings clarity of mind.  It assists one to follow one’s plans and ideas through to completion.  Red/Brown – Helps to clear blocks to health and abundance.  Orange/Gold – Activate creativity.  Silver – Enhances intuition.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
An excellent amplifier, accelerating one’s intention, so aiding manifestation.  It helps get things moving when feeling stuck.  It stimulates intuition to psychic abilities.



Chakras – 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye)
Star Sapphires are the most energetically active of all the sapphires and the star augments and strengthens the stone’s energy. The appearance of a star indicates an enhanced energy and an intensification of the properties of the Sapphire. Blue Sapphire encourages strength of mind and is excellent for dispelling negative thoughts. It assists in trusting oneself and not giving one’s power away. A stone of psychic activation and inner wisdom.

Chakras – 4th (Heart)
Pink Sapphire enables one to connect with one’s inner guidance, encouraging one to listen to the heart, where all one’s knowledge is found.  It encourages forgiveness and the release of the past, overcoming feelings of resentment or pain over past relationships.  It brings joy and acceptance into the here and now.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
Scolecite teaches one to be kind, gentle and non-reactionary, helping one become more balanced when faced with difficulty, and bringing one a sense of calm and peace.  It is an excellent stone for those who wish to sleep more peacefully or dream more sweetly.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown), 8th through 14th above head (Transpersonal and Etheric)
Excellent for clearing negativity and blocks and helps overcome stagnation, enabling one to move forward with clarity and confidence.  It assists communication with spirit guides and angels.  Placing other stones on Selenite wands amplifies their energies.

Red River, Winnipeg, Canada
These are extremely powerful crystals.  They are very special.  They are ascension crystals as we journey into the golden age of 2012 and they help to open one’s higher vibrational chakras.  They help one connect to the energies of the planet and help one feel grounded here on the Earth. They help one with communication to ensure our transition to 2012 is a peaceful one and they also help one see one’s role in this great shift and prepare us to be ready. They are extremely rare to find and most lie in private collections.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
A combination of Calcite, Aragonite and Limestone.  It stimulates the base chakra, helping one to feel grounded in the physical body.  An excellent protective stone on a physical and emotional level.

Chakras - All
Seraphinite’s name is derived from the Seraphim which are the Angels of the highest order.  It enables one to establish connections to the angelic realm and communicate with those particularly concerned with restoring the planet and humanity to a state of health and balance.  Seraphinite fills ones auric field with the vibrations of wholeness and well-being, an excellent healing stone both physically and emotionally.  It encourages one to live from the heart, where all one’s knowledge is found.

Chakras – All
Serpentine sooths the emotional body, releasing fear of change and hardship.  It helps to look towards the future with expectation and excitement.

Chakras – 4th (Heart), 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye)
Shattuckite is a stone of truth, encouraging one to ‘walk one’s talk’ – actions speak louder than words.  Its energies assist in aligning one’s external reality with one’s internal knowing of what is good and right for one’s life.

Chakras – All
Shiva Lingams symbolise male and female.  They carry a strong fire energy, capable of activating the entire chakra system.  Shiva Lingams can assist in overcoming judgement and separation, giving a feeling of unity.  They help to strengthen and balance the entire body and are great for those who feel they need a boost of vitality.

An excellent protection stone, protecting one from all forms of negative energy.  It has the ability to stop any negative energy dead in its path by neutralising it immediately.  A very powerful stone for shielding one from harmful electromagnetic radiation from computers, microwave ovens, televisions, mobile phones, etc.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
A combination of Calcite, Aragonite and Limestone.  It stimulates the base chakra, helping one to feel grounded in the physical body.  An excellent protective stone on a physical and emotional level.

Chakras – All
An excellent stone for relieving stress, cooling anger and dispelling anxiety.  It brings a deep sense of calm and centeredness.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
A powerful grounding stone.  It enhances practicality and organization.  It lends focus to students and patience to teachers.  It offers great protection from negative energies in one’s environment and it is said that with Smokey Quartz, one is more likely to see ghosts!  It offers protection from electromagnetic fields from computers and electronics.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye)
Enhances analysis, intuition, observation and creativity.  Sodalite encourages self-discipline, efficiency, organisation and structure.  It helps one to stay focused in the moment.  An excellent stone for writers, business people, teachers and students.

SPHENE (Titanite)
Chakras – 3rd (Solar Plexus), 6th (Third Eye)
An excellent stone for encouraging mental clarity.  It helps clear the fog in ones mind, enabling the mind to be awake, alert and active.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 4th (Heart), 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Heart)
Staurolite is a balanced grounding stone, helping one feel safe, protected and secure.  It enables one to release fear and panic.

Chakras – All
Stibnite can assist one in making profound changes in one’s life.  Whether it is a different career, spiritual life, or self image that one is dreaming of, stibnite can assist in attracting the right people, experiences and opportunities for these.  Stibnite is a powerful stone so it is wise to stay grounded, making sure the opportunities are real and above board.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 4th (Heart), 7th (Heart)
Stichtite encourages one to be more caring and loving towards oneself and to eliminate negative self-talk.  Stichtite assists in making one aware of the support one always have from one’s guides and angels, helping one feel their presence and easing any feelings of loneliness.  Stichtite often occurs with Serpentine.  This combination helps clear one’s energy field and energises the heart.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 7th (Crown)
Strombolite is a stone of optimism and humour.  It shows one that uncomfortable and difficult situations and experiences have a higher purpose.  It is excellent for those terrified of making mistakes or failure and those who find it hard to take action.  It encourages one to laugh in the face of disappointment, to rise above it, and to ‘lighten up’, reminding us that this, too, shall pass. Strombolite reminds one that to laugh is to live.

Chakras – 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown), 8th through 14th (Transpersonal and Etheric)
An excellent stone for protection by setting up a protective blanket of light around the wearer or carrier, shielding one from negative people or influences in one’s life.  It offers hope and optimism, encouraging those who lack confidence in their abilities.  Excellent for gentle souls.

Chakras – 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 3rd (Solar Plexus)
As it’s name suggests, Sunstone, of all the stones on Earth, carries the frequency of the Sun’s rays, bringing warmth, strength and a sense of joy, even during the darkest of days.It is a stone of abundance, encouraging one to take action, manifesting prosperity.  It dispels fear and self-doubt and enables one to own one’s own power and to be truly free. ' A true POCKET ROCKET'.



Chakras – All
Black Tektite, due to the incredible power present when it was formed, can have an intense effect on one’s energy field. They help those who feel disassociated from their bodies to be more connected to them and they help burn away energetic debris in one’s aura. They also help one’s body integrate high frequency energy and increase the Light in one’s aura.

Chakras – All
Strengthens will.  It also enhances one’s ability to create and one’s power of manifestation.  It assists in overcoming fear of social situations, helps give self-confidence and aids one in standing one’s ground and setting clear boundaries.

1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 3rd (Solar Plexus)
This is a stone of action.  It also helps one stay grounded, centered and calm, regardless of the situation.  It encourages mental clarity, activates intellect and sharpens the logical mind.  It activates one’s will and is a great stone to call upon when one needs to persevere through hard effort and difficulties, lending strength to the carrier.

1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 3rd (Solar Plexus)
This is a stone of strength, stamina and courage.  It is a combination of three stones – Tigers Eye, Red Jasper and Hematite, all of which are powerful in their own right.  Tiger Iron is a strong grounding stone, helping one to connect to the heart of the planet, enabling one to take action with strength, vitality and endurance, whilst remaining calm centered and grounded in all situations.  It allows one to feel more confident and capable of creating one’s own reality.

Chakras – 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye)
Blue Topaz assists one in making clear decisions about what one does and does not want in one’s life.  It activates the mind, stimulating one’s ability to learn and think things through.

Chakras – 1st (Root)
Ideal stone for psychic protection.  It has the ability to change and purify negative energy into positive energy.  An excellent stone for eliminating negative thoughts, anxieties, anger and feelings of unworthiness.  It brings a strong sense of groundedness.

Chakras – 4th Heart
A powerful calming stone, releasing stress, worries, depression and anxieties.  It stimulates feelings of joy, happiness and relaxation.  It helps find strength and joy in all one’s learning experiences.  A powerful stone for children when hyperactive or have difficulty sleeping.

Chakras – 1st (Root), 4th Heart
Assists one in finding the inner courage and strength to face and change the situation.  Brings a zest for life.

Chakras – 4th (Heart), 5th (Throat), 6th (Third Eye), 7th (Crown)
A very powerful stone that awakens the heart.  Its frequency promotes compassion, love, kindness, peace and a heart-centred consciousness.  Tugtupite helps one to release painful memories and emotions such as grief and sorrow.  It helps re-awaken lost passion and forgotten love.  It is a strong, plucky stone.

Chakras – 5th (Throat)
A balancing stone which brings a sense of peace.  It encourages forgiveness and acceptance of oneself and helps one to release regrets, teaching one that there are no mistakes, only learning experiences.  It teaches one to speak and act from the heart, which is where one’s deepest wisdom lies.





Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 3rd (Solar Plexus), 6th (Third Eye)
Promotes action and provides discipline to finish work or a project that has to be done, bringing focus and determination to achieve the end result. It brings a surge of creative energy into one’s aura.

Chakras - All
Vesuvianite encourages one to listen to one’s gut and follow one’s heart in life.  Vesuvianite gives one the courage to make changes in all aspects of ones life- jobs, relationships, thoughts and emotions.  It helps develop assertiveness, encouraging one to be in one’s own power and aids the timid to overcome the fear of confrontation.

Chakras – 4th (Heart)
Vivianite helps one to open and strengthen one’s heart.  It helps one to remove negativity from one’s thoughts and assists in releasing any worries one may have.  When one holds Vivianite, there is a feeling of deep peace and emotional centeredness. Vivianite helps one become more receptive of Love from others and from the Divine Source.









Chakras – 1st (Root), 2nd (Sexual/Creative), 3rd (Solar Plexus)
Zincite is a very powerful stone and some may find its energy rather intense. It is a powerful aid in the process of creation and the manifestation of one’s creation into reality. It increases personal power, courage, passion, creativity and will.

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