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This is a dream interpretation reading


I will ask for divine guidance regarding the dream you want to interpret & bring you the messages of guidance this dream has for you , using my intuition & from my divine guides.


I will also pick you cards from either my angel, oracle or tarot decks for more guidance.


*This reading will be sent via email or messenger via my social media*


I will email you once you have booked your reading, & i will send your reading within 24 hours of reply.


Dream interpretation:

Is the process of assigning meaning to dreams.

In many ancient societies, such as those of Egypt and Greece, dreaming was considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine intervention, whose message could be interpreted by people with these associated spiritual powers.

People appear to use motivated reasoning when interpreting their dreams.

They are more likely to view dreams confirming their waking beliefs and desires to be more meaningful, than dreams that contradict their waking beliefs and desires.


(With all readings, Kelly will contact you once you book your reading

To book a time and day with you)


AGE 18+ (ID may be requested)


*please note*





If you have any concerns about your health, well-being, financial issues or anything that isaffecting your health or well-being.

You shoud seek professional / health advice from professionals or your  doctor.

Dream interpretation & cards reading

SKU: 500
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