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White Sage, Charcoal & Abalone Shell Smudge Burning Kit.

Smudge Sticks or Smudge Bundles are all-natural ceremonial incense, traditionally burned in Native American rituals. Increasingly, doctors, therapists, and body workers are discovering the beneficial aspects of these herbs. Smudge Bundles are one of the means by which people around the globe are reconnecting with the power of Mother Nature. The use of plant and resin smoke possibly evolved out of the primordial campfires from distant caves. The ceremony of cleansing people, places and objects through smoke is continued today.

White Sage is burned in smudging ceremonies to drive out bad spirits, feelings or influences. The leaves are valued for their aromatic properties and are used as a natural moth repellent. White Sage can be used in numerous ways, for example cleansing crystals or ridding negative energies from the home etc

 This burning kit is a must for any room which has a stale energy flow, or for a new house move to clear the previous energies and cleanse the air.


This kit works by placing the charcoal piece onto the abalone shell and lighting the charcoal (Be very careful where you light this and keep it away from anything flammable. Once lit, blow out any flame and place a pinch of the white sage onto the charcoal until this smokes, and being very careful not to burn yourself, walk around the room that you intend to cleanse. - Keep away from babies, small children & pets when lit!

White Sage with abalone shell & charcoal smudge/cleansing kit

SKU: 306
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